Iris Peelen, sexologist (Utrecht and Amsterdam Center)

Sexuality and intimacy play an important role in our well-being and happiness. While sexuality can be a source of pleasure and connection, it can also bring challenges and concerns. Therefore, it is important to create a safe, open environment where these topics can be discussed without judgment.
With a calm and empathetic approach, I offer clients the space to share their experiences. Whether it’s personal questions, sexual insecurities, or relationship-related concerns, together we seek solutions that contribute to a healthy experience of sexuality. I strive to break down taboos surrounding sexuality and discuss sensitive topics with understanding and respect. My goal is to help clients discover their own desires and boundaries, and guide them in overcoming obstacles so that they feel comfortable and connected in their own experience of sexuality.


After obtaining my bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Utrecht University, I pursued a master’s degree in Sexology at KU Leuven out of interest in sexuality. In my work, I combine the knowledge from both studies to guide individuals and couples in finding balance and fulfillment in their sexuality.

"Discover your own desires and boundaries in a safe, open environment and break taboos."