Praktijk de Liefde specializes in concrete and effective therapy from systems therapy. With systems therapy, we look at the whole system. That is, all persons who play an important role in your life such as your partner, children, family, friends or colleagues. We can involve these in therapy to see what the influence of others is. Systemic therapy is evidence-based; research shows that systemic therapy is effective.
During friendship therapy, we listen carefully to who you are and what you need. This is followed by appropriate counseling, completely tailored to your personal situation.
A safe setting is important. Therefore, we first have an introductory meeting where we see if there is a mutual “click. It’s nice if you both feel comfortable discussing your desires and doubts freely. Nothing is crazy, everyone is different and there are many ways relationships can work well again. After the no-obligation introduction, we begin counseling with an intake interview.
In the following sessions, we focus on: