Individual therapy is all about you. To your relationships, how you relate to others and what you value in them. During our individual therapy in Practice Love, we look at these aspects together. We pay attention to:
The goal of therapy is to gain a better understanding of your relationship patterns. With this insight, we initiate a change process so you can be who you are. In doing so, we use a systemic approach: focusing on the whole system, such as the family or your closest friends. Systemic therapy is evidence-based; research shows that systemic therapy is effective.
After a no-obligation introduction, we begin counseling with an intake interview. In doing so, it is important that there is a mutual “click” so that you feel safe to share your story, thoughts and emotions with the therapist. In the follow-up sessions, we focus on:
Once we have identified these questions, five to eight sessions of 75 minutes each follow. After the intake, we evaluate the process and decide together whether to continue therapy.